Predict Twitter Personality Types with Machine Learning
In this session, we’ll show you how to use machine learning to analyse a person’s personality based on their real-time Twitter feed. Specifically, we’ll first use the Twitter API to procure our input data before running a naive Bayes classifier to train and test our model, which will then be able to categorize new Twitter profiles live into a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).
Most of you will already be familiar with this popular metric, which uses a 4 letter result (such as INFJ or ENFP) to summarize different personality characteristics in terms of how individuals perceive the world and make decisions. Normally, this is derived through questionnaires and psychometric tests administered to each person, but here we’ll automatically get a result at the click of a button.
Predict Twitter Personality Types with Machine Learning
In this session, we’ll show you how to use machine learning to analyse a person’s personality based on their real-time Twitter feed. Specifically, we’ll first use the Twitter API to procure our input data before running a naive Bayes classifier to train and test our model, which will then be able to categorize new Twitter profiles live into a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).
Most of you will already be familiar with this popular metric, which uses a 4 letter result (such as INFJ or ENFP) to summarize different personality characteristics in terms of how individuals perceive the world and make decisions. Normally, this is derived through questionnaires and psychometric tests administered to each person, but here we’ll automatically get a result at the click of a button.
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