This will be the final part of our series on building robot cars with Arduino.
In this session, we’ll do a recap on how we’ve constructed our car till now with the chassis, onboard Arduino, motors, and wheels. We’ll alter this setup to get the robot to follow a line mapped out on the ground using multiple IR sensors attached to the Arduino to track the path and adjust movement accordingly through code. We’ll take you over all the practical considerations required to get optimum results.
You can find the previous sessions on The Assembly website:
Build A Line-Following Robot Car
This will be the final part of our series on building robot cars with Arduino.
In this session, we’ll do a recap on how we’ve constructed our car till now with the chassis, onboard Arduino, motors, and wheels. We’ll alter this setup to get the robot to follow a line mapped out on the ground using multiple IR sensors attached to the Arduino to track the path and adjust movement accordingly through code. We’ll take you over all the practical considerations required to get optimum results.
You can find the previous sessions on The Assembly website:
— Arduino IDE
Hardware Required:
— Arduino UNO
— 5 x IR Line Tracking Sensor
— Chassis (can be 3D printed)
— Battery holder
— Jumper cables
— 4 x Gear Motor
— L298N Motor Driver Shield